I Work Overseas

South America

Acelere seu Futuro

Como médico, enfermeiro ou profissional de saúde

É hora de abrir suas asas

Com uma organização confiável

I Work Overseas - South America

A I Work Overseas é especializada na contratação de profissionais qualificados na indústria médica.

Você é um médico, enfermeiro ou profissional de saúde registrado? Você gostaria de expandir sua experiência e aumentar sua carreira de enfermagem no exterior?

IWO é a melhor companhia para apoiá-lo nesta jornada!

Enfrentando o aumento contínuo da escassez de funcionários em todo o mundo, hospitais, clínicas e instalações de saúde de todos os tamanhos e tipos procuram ajuda para atender às suas necessidades de pessoal de curto e longo prazo.

Temos orgulho em oferecer os serviços de recrutamento internacional e internacional mais confiáveis ​​do setor. Identificando lacunas na força de trabalho na Europa, oferecemos uma oportunidade lucrativa para talentos altamente qualificados e qualificados para iniciar uma carreira gratificante no exterior.

A I Work Overseas é especializada em encontrar o candidato certo para o trabalho. Nossas equipes de recrutamento profissional na Europa, Ásia, África e América do Sul entendem o que é preciso para trabalhar no exterior. Fornecendo serviços de recrutamento e pessoal de qualidade premium para vagas temporárias e permanentes, podemos ajudá-lo a combinar suas qualificações e competências definidas com a posição certa e abertura de emprego na Europa.

A I Work Overseas e nossas agências parceiras trabalham no melhor interesse de nossos clientes e candidatos. Queremos ter certeza de que a experiência do nosso candidato e do nosso cliente é positiva durante todo o processo de recrutamento. Nossa equipe irá orientá-lo em todas as fases do processo de recrutamento.

Estamos aqui por você.

Our approach

We put your needs first!

Taking on a new challenge overseas is a major step and not to be taken lightly. We know this and we are there to help you every step of the way.

Working with International Recruiters locally

Once we receive your application, our local recruiting team will work with you to establish your aspirations and to develop a verified Candidate Portfolio that can attract the Client's attention.

Taking your future seriously

We take your future very serious and will do a detailed background and document check ensuring that Clients are fully aware of your capabilities.

Finding your match

Providing premium quality recruitment and staffing services for temporary as well as permanent vacancies, we match your qualifications and skills set with the right positions and job openings.

Interviews and contract negotiations

We will help and advise you through your interviews and negotiating your contract, ensuring you get the best deal possible.

Starting your new future

Our local Placement Agent in your new country of employement will be there to help you settle in and getting used to the new environment. We do not stop at signing the contract, we are there all the way!

O processo de recrutamento

Fill in the Application Form

The first step is to register with I Work Overseas.

The easiest way is to fill in our Application Form online so we can start the process quickly. You can also contact the Recruiter near you or send us an Email.

This is where your journey starts!

Fill the Application Form!

Building your Portfolio

Once we receive your application, we will assess your initial application and contact you to discuss the process and what documents we would need to build your Portfolio which we will use towards the Employers.

Once we have the required documents, we will do the necessary verifications and contact the references to create a good picture of your capabilities.


With the paperwork out of the way, one of our Recruiters will invite you for a full interview to finetune your Portfolio and make sure we get it all just right. What is it you are looking for, where would you like to go and how do you see you develop professionally in the future?!

The following stage is for you to meet possible Employers and go through their interview process as well. We will help you with that of course as much as we can.

Hiring process

Now that you have passed the interview stage, you are happy with the new job and the Employer is happy to have you on their team, the Employer will issue an offer for you to review. We will help you reviewing the offer and are there in case of any questions.

If you are happy with the conditions offered, you can sign the contract and you are on your way to a new future!

Starting your new job

With the contract signed, we will get all the necessary paperwork sorted for you to travel to your new country and start your new life.

We will make sure you are met at the airport by our people and settled in into your new environment. That is one of the benefits of being part of the IWO Family.

Staying in touch

You are now part of the I Work Overseas Family. That is some achievement in itself.

That also means that we will be there for you in case of questions, problems, or just if you want to have a chat.

You can also join our Facebook group to make it easier asking questions.

Algumas das nossas Últimas oportunidades

Esta é apenas uma seleção do que os nossos clientes procuram.

Nosso time de recrutadores

Suely Fernandes

Suely Fernandes

Senior Recruiter - South America

Profissional de RH com mais de 30 anos de experiência construída em multinacionais de grande porte, dos quais 8 anos no segmento de Saúde e Bem Estar. Ao longo desse período responsável pela condução assertiva de inúmeros processos de Recrutamento & Seleção de Enfermeiros e profissionais de saúde. Treinamento Básico Certificação SilviaHemmet – Suécia (Demência e Qualidade de Vida).

+55 11 98100 5331

Junte-se a nós agora e deixe-nos acelerar o seu futuro!

Nossos serviços para candidatos são gratuitos . Prometemos tratar suas informações como confidenciais. Provavelmente odiamos anúncios e SPAM tanto quanto você!

Envie sua inscrição agora!
Envie sua inscrição agora!

I Work Overseas - South America

05630-020, Vila Suzana
Sao Paulo
+55 (11) 98100 5331

Países cobertos:

Nothing we do is more important than hiring and developing people. At the end of the day, you bet on people, not on strategies.

Lawrence Bossidy Former COO of General Electric

If you think it is expensive to hire a professional, wait until you hire an amateur.

Red Adair American oil well fighter

The secret of my success is that we have gone to exceptional lengths to hire the best people in the world.

Steve Jobs Chairman, CEO and co-founder of Apple

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